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Online Mathematics Tutors

These are the Highest Quality Online Mathematics Tutors. Get Mathematics Lessons Online with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring

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Harim S

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Hours tutored 1384 Hours Tutored
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I have experience in teaching mathematics for grade 8 and 9 for community service in town.

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Rami M

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Hours tutored 1449 Hours Tutored
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I have adapted my teaching style to cater to unique learning needs, achieving improved results and a deeper appreciation for the subject. I also have experience with A-levels, and my goal is to make sure that my learners receive an A and have a great understanding of the subject.

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Carissa P

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Hours tutored 1348 Hours Tutored
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I have a love for numbers. I have a lot of patience, and will be more than willing to explain concepts over and over, until you understand it. Rest assured that you are in good hands with me as your tutor.

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Rendani N

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Hours tutored 1381 Hours Tutored
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Mathematics is one of the subjects that needs deep understanding, I try my best to make my lessons as practical as they can be. I have been tutoring mathematics for the past 4 years with positive feedback from all my clients. I am confident in my ability to facilitate learning in this area.

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Imelda D

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Hours tutored 1349 Hours Tutored
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Broad range of teaching experience at primary and secondary school (grades 8&9) levels , including learners with special needs. Successful maths tutoring is based on patience and assisting learner who is struggling to build confidence by going back to basic concepts

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Robert A

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Hours tutored 1388 Hours Tutored
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20+ years of classroom and one-on-one teaching experience. I am capable of pacing learning to learners' ability and crafting instruction and activities to suit learner objectives.

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Hours tutored 1459 Hours Tutored
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I can easily help my learners grasp the key concepts of the course that will enable them to overcome their obstacles with the course. I also assist my students with specific areas where they may have challenges so they can understand and improve easily

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Lloyd D

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Hours tutored 1409 Hours Tutored
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As a Science major, it was vital that one was good at Mathematics. It is also easier when you understand the principles. I received a distinction in my final year.

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Tumelo H

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Hours tutored 1420 Hours Tutored
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I achieved a 90% distinction for Mathematics in Grade 12. I enjoy working with numbers and I am able to transfer my love for Maths onto my students. I help them to develop strong foundations and build on them. With me, they will learn to love this subject!

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Tiffany L

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Hours tutored 1235 Hours Tutored
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My experience in various teaching positions has allowed me to harness my skills in positive psychology and using learning theory for different learning styles. I understand that maths doesn't come naturally to everyone and I'm enthusiastic about making learning fun, relatable and stress-free.

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