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Siphesihle T

Tutor in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal • 22 years old

Background Check
chip background star 5.0
chip background 173
chip background star 5.0
chip background 173
Can tutor online
Can tutor in person


An open and intellectual person. I have a keen interest in sharing my knowledge and intellect, and in-tern hope to also learn from those I teach.

I am a great listener, and able to easily identify where others may need help, when they do not know where they need help.


• ● Currently studying a Bachelor of Laws and averaged 71% and 3 distinctions in Financial Accounting, Criminology, & Foundations of Law.
• ● Matriculated in 2020 from Maritzburg College with 1 A & 3 B's

My Proudest

• Having my written short-work published in a compilation of work series by young and upcoming authors.

• Being commissioned to Write/Co-author a book (Current) at such a young age.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12

Proficient in linguistic analysis, encompassing oral, written, and colloquial forms. I have a comprehensive understanding of Zulu, including its grammar, spelling, and cultural nuances. Possesses specialized expertise in IsiZulu's origins, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.


Grade 1 - Grade 7

I am well versed in linguistics, oral, written and colloquially. I speak and understand the majority of South African languages, and am proficient in the respective rules of grammar and spelling.


Grade 1 - Grade 10

I am adept at tutoring visual art as I find this subject challenging in some areas. However, with my understanding of humanist subject matter and creative mindset, I am able to guide those willing to accept the challenge without compromising their creative spark.

  • University Tutoring

Financial Accounting

First Year

I'm confident in my accounting abilities through experience I've gained tutoring privately & having done the subject. Accounting is relatively straight-forward. However, there is often no time in the classroom to grasp the fundamentals, what specific terms mean and how to apply them properly.


Siphesihle will travel up to 40km from Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

Tutor Map

Reviews from others

“We are really happy with how he has helped Rose this far. His patience with her has helped build confidence. He is a star”


“Siphesihle is very good with kids, he teaches very well, excellent with his job am very happy with the progress on Lewela he is able to read and identify words ”


“He makes it very easy for Rose to grasp the lessons of the day. Looking forward to more lessons and more learning.”


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